Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Folk Art House at Christmas Time - Dining Room

I get to help decorate a house every Christmas, well
more than one now. When I say help, I want 
to be clear that these are not my ideas.  
They belong to two very talented creative women:
Susan Jackson, the interior designer I work for and 
a very talented stylist named Lisa Sacaris.

The table setting is all Susan.
Faint if you must, it was breathtaking.

I snapped this picture before Christmas, and posted pictures, but was disappointed at not being able to show you more.
I wanted you to be able to see how the Mason Jars
would fit into a centerpiece setting and those 
gorgeous angels at the very end of the table,
I had to get better pictures of.

Look at the detail on the silver glasses.
The plants are miniature Christmas cactuses in 
ombre vases that Target carried two years ago.

I'm glad I got a better picture of this, because 
it was S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G.

So, now you have seen it without plates and glasses,
and then what it looked like in all its shiny glory.
Working with these women is a dream come true for this project, 
I learn so much and it always gets me motivated to come
home and get my own house done for Christmas.

 Above the dining table is a decorated chandelier.
I wish I could get a really good shot of it, but
the dimensions of the room, sort of prevent it.
So, I took a bunch of close-ups of what is in it.

These white ceramic cones are new this year by
local ceramic artist Monti Mayrend.  I will be showing
more of his work when I do a post on the living room.
These ornaments were my favorite of all.

These mercury baskets with elves and trees in them hang down from the fixture along with three mercury glass votives that get lit
This must have about 50 ornaments on it.
They are wired and a boxwood garland is also added.

I'll be back another day to show you the living room, kitchen
and more of that devil banister.

1 comment:

Melanie Millar said...

HI Molly, this year is the first year in many that I haven't had the pleasure of seeing Susan's Chirstmas decoration. Thanks for sharing!

Love your blog!